29th Annual Golf Tournament

Registration is now open for the

29th Annual John Morrison Memorial Golf Tournament!

We look forward to seeing you on Friday, September 19th, 2025!

The goal of the tournament this year is to raise $20,000 to send young people to Camp Child and/or participate in YMCA programs.

Over the past 12 years, your contributions have allowed us to invest more than $150,000 into capital projects at Camp Child and provide opportunities for children to participate in YMCA programs year-round. Help us continue to grow Camp Child and expand YMCA programming!

We accept many forms of payment and can invoice your company if you prefer. Please select your preference on the payment page, which should include all items: mulligans, cart rentals, sponsorship fees, etc. Please be sure to complete your total registration by the deadline.

Sponsor & Player Registration deadline: September 12th, 2025

  • Registration is not official until payment is received. 
  • Complimentary lunch is provided. 

Register at Home – John Morrison Memorial Golf Tournament. Questions? Call the Y at 406-442-9622. 

Event Schedule

9:00 am: Team Check-In
10:00 am: Shotgun Start, box lunch included
Post Tournament:  50/50 drawing and awards presentation
Come out and join the fun!

Sponsorship Levels

Thank you to our Sponsors for making this event possible!